Monday, March 10, 2008

Benefits of push ups

Benefits of push ups are so obvious that there is no secrets about them. Plain and simple. You just need to take a few minutes each day to perform them and you are going to see their incredible impact on your body very soon. Every week your could notice great changes on the shape of your body, while watching yourself in the mirror. Every week!

As far as I am concerned there is no better and faster way of getting fit as doing push ups.

Let's quote some of the many benefits of performing good old fashioned push ups.
They work:

1. your chest
2. hands, forearms, biceps, triceps
3. shoulders, traps, upper back, lower back
4. abs
5. glutes
6. hamstrings, quads, calf, feet
7. your heart muscle gets stronger and your mind get more 'clear', too

But I need to mention so much more:
- you can perform them anywhere, anytime
- you don't need any technical equipment
- it cost you nothing for gym membership or anything else
- you can make them alone, with no hassle around
- regular performing gives you almost perfect lean and very healthy look

You can call push ups a core-strengthening exercise. They largely improve your balance by strengthening and shaping up most important muscle groups in your body - the core.

I believe push-ups are the most effective exercise for improving total body fitness. They include cardiovascular training, weight/body lifting and muscle stretching all in one exercise.

Enough talking. Now drop down and give me twenty.


Saturday, March 01, 2008

How to get six pack abs

Push ups are great upper body exercise. They build strength and muscle size fast. Doing sets of various pushups you should have strong and well developed chest, shoulders and triceps in short amount of time. After developing great upper body it's time to get a nice ripped six pack.

But getting a six pack is not about mindlessly repeating sit-ups and crunches. It requires a different approach. Read what fitness expert Mike Geary is saying about this innovative scientifically-based fitness program that is revealing the truth about abdominals and stomach fat.
Click HERE to go to his page
